Thursday, 11 June 2020

United Airlines Passengers Questioned About Health


United Airlines is now requiring passengers to answer a series of questions about their health before they are allowed to board a plane.

from WebMD Health

Coronavirus Daily Digest: June 11, 2020

photo of empty street

A roundup of the latest news about COVID-19

from WebMD Health

Experts: White Parents Must Face Discomfort on Race

photo of kids parenting group mixed culture

Parents have to be comfortable talking about disparities -- not just differences -- and these conversations need to happen early and often.

from WebMD Health

Smoking a Big Stroke Risk for Black Americans

broken cigarette

Stroke risk was 2.5 times higher among current smokers than in those who never smoked. There was no significant difference between past and never smokers.

from WebMD Health

Stay Connected With Loved Ones in Nursing Homes

photo of senior woman close up

Social restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic can be especially hard for people who can't visit loved ones with Alzheimer's disease who are in nursing homes.

from WebMD Health