Monday, 13 July 2020

Do COVID-19 Patients Really Have to Die Alone?

photo of family social distancing

Some experts are arguing hospitals need to come up with plans that allow dying people the emotional solace of a loved one as they pass.

from WebMD Health

COVID-19 May Spike Blood Sugar, Raising Death Risk

holding glucometer

Bodies stressed by severe COVID-19 could produce abnormally high blood sugar levels, even in people without diagnosed diabetes.

from WebMD Health

Evidence Shows TB Vaccine May Help Versus COVID-19

photo of vaccine

Developing countries have lower-than-expected COVID-19 death rates, and a TB vaccine given in countries with high rates of tuberculosis might play a significant role in reducing COVID-19 death rates.

from WebMD Health

Sickle Cell & COVID: What You Need to Know

illustration of sickle cells

COVID-19 can cause severe inflammation and lung injury. And that can have a greater impact on people with sickle cell disease, a group of inherited red blood cell disorders.

from WebMD Health

Arizona, Florida, Texas Face Hospital Capacity

emergency room er special report

Hospitals are running out of space for COVID-19 patients in Arizona, Florida and Texas where there has been a recent surge in coronavirus cases.

from WebMD Health