Friday, 21 August 2020

In-Person Pregnancy Checks Won't Raise COVID Risk

photo of pregnancy ultrasoundpregnancy ultrasound

There was no meaningful association between in-person visits and coronavirus infection among the women, according to the Brigham and Women's Hospital study published Aug. 14  in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

from WebMD Health

Miami And Mass. Schools Both Assessing Changes

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Miami-Dade County Public Schools are assessing how to proceed with classes after almost 600 staff members tested positive and Massachusetts is requiring all students to have flu shots before they can attend school.

from WebMD Health

White House Blocks FDA Power to Regulate Lab Tests

photo of coronavirus antibody test

The new policy, which was posted Wednesday and is strongly opposed by the FDA itself, stunned health experts and laboratories because of its timing, the Washington Post reported.

from WebMD Health

Thursday, 20 August 2020

The Corona Virus

By Unknown Author from NYT Health

Asian American Students Face Bullying Over COVID

photo of coronavirus book bag and masks

Children haven’t been spared from the racism that Asian Americans have faced since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Now, as schools start reopening, students and advocacy groups are hoping to combat coronavirus-related bias and scapegoating on campus.

from WebMD Health