Tuesday, 1 September 2020

A Parent’s Toughest Call: In-Person Schooling or Not?

By BY APOORVA MANDAVILLI from NYT Health https://ift.tt/2YVfGtM

How to Stop the Next Pandemic

By BY JONAH M. KESSEL from NYT Health https://ift.tt/3lBgA8h

Monday, 31 August 2020

Most Americans Wear Masks, But Myths Linger: Poll

photo of virus hospital mask white

About nine in 10 Americans said they are knowledgeable about mask-wearing and that they sometimes, often or always wear a mask when they leave their home and are unable to social distance, the online poll shows.

from WebMD Health https://ift.tt/3hLYDBR

New Quick COVID Test May Boost Screening Efforts

covid 19 testingphoto of throat culture swab and v

Everyone who tests positive should then receive a confirmatory PCR test -- a slower, more complex and more accurate type of molecular scan that looks for the genetic material of the new coronavirus.

from WebMD Health https://ift.tt/2QTpyzX

Remote Monitoring May Help Control High Blood Pressure

man checking blood pressure at home

Doctors already recommend that people with high blood pressure use a home monitor to track their numbers. But research suggests that home readings, alone, only make a small difference in getting the condition under control.

from WebMD Health https://ift.tt/2YQOxbe