Friday 13 November 2020

Fish Oil, Vitamin D Supplements Won't Prevent A-Fib

fish oil capsules

Millions of people take a fish oil or vitamin D supplement in hopes of warding off a host of ills. But a new study finds the nutrients won't shield against the common and potential heart rhythm disorder known as atrial fibrillation.

from WebMD Health

Restrictions Return As COVID Surges Across the U.S.

photo of man with mask

With the coronavirus setting new records on a daily basis, more restrictions such as statewide face mask mandates are being imposed in states across the country.

from WebMD Health

New Finding Reveals Why Certain COVID Patients Die

photo of emergency sign

Scientists have found that some people have antibodies against parts of their own immune system, allowing viruses to multiply rapidly.

from WebMD Health

Study: New Mutation Sped Up Spread of Coronavirus

photo of coronavirus

The virus that causes COVID-19 is not the same strain as first emerged from China. A new study shows it has changed slightly in a way that makes it more contagious to humans.

from WebMD Health

Thursday 12 November 2020

Could Propecia Up Young Men's Suicide Risk?

depressed man in hallway

Information from the World Health Organization indicates that over the past 10 years, reports of suicidal ideation among young men using the drug have increased, rising significantly after 2012, the researchers said.

from WebMD Health