Wednesday 24 February 2021

New Coronavirus Variant Surging in California

photo of coronavirus

A coronavirus variant first identified in California is more contagious than previous forms of the virus and is spreading across the state, two new studies show.

from WebMD Health

Exercise May Help Curb Migraine Attacks

photo of man walking dog

A new study suggests exercise could be an especially effective with migraine triggers such stress, depression and trouble sleeping.

from WebMD Health

Tuesday 23 February 2021

COVID-19: Is It Time for Optimism?

photo of the sun

How optimistic should we be that the end of the pandemic is truly, finally in sight? Some experts see a serious chance for a return to some kind of normalcy in a matter of weeks. Others might wish that to be true, but believe we will still be living with the coronavirus for months to come.

from WebMD Health

DVT: What People Who’ve Had It Want You to Know

Potentially life-threatening clots that form in the veins deep within your body can happen to anyone. Even young and active people can get deep vein thrombosis (DVT). People who’ve had it have some things they want you to know:

from WebMD Health

Parenting: What’s It Like to Have Three Kids?

Thinking of having a third kid? Mom-to-three Diedre Anthony shares the ins and outs of her daily parenting life.

from WebMD Health