Friday 26 February 2021

Alternatives to Breastfeeding

For whatever reason, sometimes breastfeeding isn’t the best option for new moms. Find out what alternatives are available to you for your baby.

from WebMD Health

DVT Cases and COVID: What Are the Links?

Doctors have found more blood clot cases, like DVT and PE, during the pandemic. Find out what might cause these conditions, how they relate to COVID-19, and what impacts the combined illnesses may create.

from WebMD Health

COVID: Mental Health 'Epidemic' in Communities of Color

woman mask black and white

Communities of color face a wave of mental health problems as a result of how the pandemic has changed the way people interact and grieve, experts warn.

from WebMD Health

Face Shields May Cut COVID Spread in Hair Salons

woman face shield mask

Just having a chat in a hair salon can spread the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, a new study finds.

from WebMD Health

Rheumatoid Arthritis Meds May Help Fight Severe COVID

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Rheumatoid arthritis drugs may save lives of patients hospitalized with severe cases of COVID-19, according to a groundbreaking clinical trial.

from WebMD Health