Wednesday 16 June 2021

What Works Best to Ease Migraines?

man headache rubbing temple

There's no single answer, but there are many new treatment options. Finding the right one may take some trial-and-error — so persistence is key.

from WebMD Health

How Dreams Might Prepare You for What's Next

quantity vs quality sleep

Dreams can feel random and disjointed but might actually serve a higher function, helping you prepare for what's ahead, according to new research findings.

from WebMD Health

Counting Calories Beats Fasting Diets for Weight Loss

photo of counting calories with tablet

New clinical trial results show trendy intermittent fasting diets don't work any better than simple calorie cutting.

from WebMD Health

Fewer Dangerous COPD Flare-Ups During COVID

photo of breathing through nose

A new study finds the health precautions used to combat spreading COVID may also have helped those with COPD.

from WebMD Health

Tuesday 15 June 2021

COVID Led More Women to Forgo Needed Health Care

woman covid illustration

A new survey found women more likely to go without health care, compared to men, possibly resulting in a higher number of women with severe health issues after the pandemic is over.

from WebMD Health