Thursday, 15 July 2021

Tips to Avoid Heat Illness Amid Record U.S. Heatwave

man hot outside

As temperatures across the U.S. surge to historic -- and deadly -- levels, experts recommend knowing the signs and symptoms of heat illness.

from WebMD Health

Half of U.S. Teens Plan to Get COVID Shot -- Can Numbers Go Higher?

photo of vaccine

In many cases, their parents may not support that decision.

from WebMD Health

Heart Troubles Ease Over Time in Kids With MIS-C

child in face mask with teddy bear

A new study finds most heart problems in children with a rare inflammatory condition triggered by COVID-19 infection resolve within a few months.

from WebMD Health

Do Trans Women Athletes Have Advantages?

photo of olympics joanna harper

The Tokyo Olympics will feature the first openly trans athlete as the debate over trans women and girl’s participation in female sports heats up. What rules are in place, and what does the science say so far?

from WebMD Health

Pandemic Olympics: Health Experts Worry COVID May Win Gold

coronavirus olympics logo concept

These Olympics, already postponed from 2020, will be about the fight against coronavirus as much as it will be about the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.

from WebMD Health