Friday, 23 July 2021

Prescriptions for Fruits and Vegetables a Blossoming Program

farmer's market

The premise is simple: A health care provider or a health insurance plan provides a ''prescription" for produce. Patients redeem it at a local farmer's market, grocery store, or a community-based sponsoring organization.

from WebMD Health

Money Can Buy Americans Longer Life: Study

photo of fitness senior women hiking

Money may not buy happiness but new research suggests it may at least help Americans live longer.

from WebMD Health

Drug Makers Reach $26 Billion Deal on Opioid Lawsuits


The money from the companies would be used by communities for addiction treatment, prevention services and other significant costs associated with the epidemic.

from WebMD Health

She’s Not Just an Olympian. She’s a Mom

foluke gunderson

While this is the third time Foluke Gunderson has participated in the Olympics, this is her first as a mom.

from WebMD Health

'Superbug' Fungus Spreads Among Vulnerable in Two U.S. Cities

super bug candida auris

The CDC says an untreatable "superbug" fungus is spreading in a Washington, D.C., nursing home and two Dallas-area hospitals.

from WebMD Health