Thursday 14 October 2021

FDA Advisors Vote to Recommend Moderna Boosters

man holding coronavirus vaccine

The panel voted to authorize Moderna boosters for the same groups who’ve gotten a green light for third Pfizer doses.

from WebMD Health

Biden, Fauci Agree: COVID Efforts Working, More Action Needed

joe biden at cancer moonshot summit

President Joe Biden updated the nation on vaccination numbers and shared his three priorities going forward to maintain progress against COVID-19. Dr. Anthony Fauci shared some optimism during a separate press briefing.

from WebMD Health

CDC Reports Record High 12-Month Drug Overdose Death Toll


A record high 96,779 drug overdose deaths occurred between March 2020 and March 2021, representing a 29.6% rise

from WebMD Health

History Does Repeat: Pandemic Vaccine Uproar Is Nothing New

anti vax history

Division and disagreement over vaccines and mandates may seem like a modern phenomenon, but news clippings from the 1860s through recent history tell a different story.

from WebMD Health

WHO Honors Henrietta Lacks as Family Pursues Justice

photo of henrietta lacks

Lacks’s cells, commonly known as “HeLa,” are the only known human cells that continue to stay alive and reproduce outside of the human body. Her cells have been used for decades in medical discoveries and live-saving treatments.

from WebMD Health