Friday, 4 March 2022

Good and Mad: The Healthy Way to Be Angry

photo of stressed businesswoman at desk

Anger is a valid and healthy emotion. But how you respond to it and express it, can be harmful. Learn how to tame the beast.

from WebMD Health

Nonprofit Plans to Make Affordable Generic Insulin


Subsidiary of organization formed to supply generic drugs to hospitals branches out to retail drugs with support from health plans

from WebMD Health

A Call to Address Health Inequities Now, Before Next Pandemic

photo of global map covered in disease

Lessons learned regarding equal access to COVID-19 testing and treatment across racial and ethnic groups could be applied to minimize disparities in the future.

from WebMD Health

'Walkable' Neighborhoods Linked to Less Obesity, Diabetes

photo of feet of woman walking on country lane

-- People who live in neighborhoods that are more walkable are much more physically active and less likely to gain weight or get type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure, researchers concluded after reviewing the results of dozens of previous studies.

from WebMD Health

Black MDs Shatter Stereotypes, Promote Diversity on Instagram

photo of Black doctor's hand on a stethoscope

A group of Black physicians in competitive medical specialties are using Instagram to shatter stereotypes and boost the number of minorities pursuing careers in medicine.

from WebMD Health