To shampoo or not to shampoo. Dermatologists and stylists weigh in on how often to shampoo for healthy, good looking hair. Plus, tips on how to go longer between washes.
from WebMD Health
To shampoo or not to shampoo. Dermatologists and stylists weigh in on how often to shampoo for healthy, good looking hair. Plus, tips on how to go longer between washes.
WebMD talks to cardiologists about possible symptoms of heart attack in women. Chest pain is one we all know, but what about nausea or fatigue?
Feeling fatigued? WebMD tells you how to get your energy back.
Microbots can traverse spaces where drones can't fly in, and scientists envision a future where these devices, crafted even smaller, could be added to blood vessels to assist in surgery.
While some workers can't wait to get back to the office, others are anxious, resistant, and concerned. Here are some tips to help with the transition.