Wednesday 27 April 2022

Cancer Caregiving From Long Distance

long distance love and support concept

Cancer caregiving is never easy, and when you’re doing it long distance, there are extra challenges. Here’s what you can do to provide support.

from WebMD Health

What Trans Health Care for Minors Really Means

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The meaning of gender-affirming care for young people, and what it looks like on the ground, isn’t always clear. The cloud of politics surrounding it has obscured the medical reality of how and when trans youth can get the treatments they seek.

from WebMD Health

Personal Essay: I Started Transitioning at the Beginning of the Pandemic. Here’s What It Was Like

photo of allen juneau

Two years ago, just when the world was shutting down, I opened up – to my true self. Having discovered that I was a transgender man, I set out to medically transition at the onset of the pandemic.

from WebMD Health

A lot of children are about to be born in Ukraine. Will the war affect them for life?

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Some of the most horrific images from the war so far have come from a maternity hospital in Mariupol bombed by Russian troops in mid-March. The upheaval spurs a troubling question: Could the stress and condition of war affect a fetus?

from WebMD Health

When the Walls Were Painted With Poison

Scheele’s Green, named for the Swedish chemist who invented it in 1778, was everywhere in Victorian England, from the walls of Buckingham Palace to the factories where child laborers painted the leaves of fake foliage. And it was deadly.

from WebMD Health