Friday 19 August 2022

Wind Instruments Don’t Spew COVID More Than Speech: Study

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Good news for music lovers and musicians, too: Wind instruments don't appear to project COVID-19 particles more than talking does, according to a new study.

from WebMD Health

Brain-Eating Amoeba May Have Caused Nebraska Child's Death

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The death of a child in Nebraska was likely caused by an infection with a “brain-eating amoeba” that occurred after the child swam in a local river.

from WebMD Health

An NHL Legend, A Doctor & a Dog Help Addicts Find Hope

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Service dogs are serving as a unique healing method for people in addiction recovery, thanks to efforts by former NHL player Kevin Stevens.

from WebMD Health

Is It COVID or Long COVID? Your Organs May Know

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COVID-19 can damage multiple organs in the body. Sometimes this damage leads to long COVID; sometimes other are reasons at play. Doctors are beginning to sort it out.

from WebMD Health

Monkeypox On Campus: Universities Plan for New Health Threat

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College campuses, set to reopen across the country this month, are confronting a new public health crisis: Monkeypox.

from WebMD Health