Very young children who have common ear and upper respiratory problems appear to have an increased risk of being diagnosis of autism or showed high levels of autism traits, according to a new study.
from WebMD Health
Very young children who have common ear and upper respiratory problems appear to have an increased risk of being diagnosis of autism or showed high levels of autism traits, according to a new study.
Measuring biological aging has become so precise with DNA-based technology that researchers showed that trauma or stressful life events can rapidly speed up the pace of aging. But they also found recovery from the experience can return aging to its baseline.
Patients are still suffering from the effects of lung damage linked to vaping, and have been largely ignored by researchers and the government.
The diaper analysis was the first step in a study that aims to identify causes of chronic inflammatory diseases such as asthma, eczema, and allergies. The researchers were surprised by the sheer number of viruses that they found.