Friday, 24 August 2018

Big Tobacco’s Global Reach on Social Media


How Sleepless Nights Can Trigger Weight Gain

Like other studies before it, new research from Northwestern University finds that lost sleep can cause changes in your metabolism that make you store more fat, lose muscle and be more likely to get type 2 diabetes.

from WebMD Health

EpiPen Shortage Causing Concern as Schools Start


The FDA announced this week that it is extending the expiration date on some batches of EpiPens by 4 months to try to help people struggling with the shortage. But many in the allergy community say they’re afraid to give their children lifesaving medication that is past its printed expiration date.

from WebMD Health

McCain Stops Treatment for Brain Cancer

john mccain

The family of Sen. John McCain announced Friday that that 81-year-old Republican would stop receiving treatment for a brain tumor. McCain was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer, a gliobloastoma, in July 2017.

from WebMD Health

Alcohol Helps Kill 2.8 Million Globally Each Year

Worldwide, alcohol use was the seventh-leading risk factor for early death and disability in 2016. It was the top cause for early death and disability among 15- to 49-year-olds, accounting for one in 10 deaths. In this age group, the main causes of alcohol-related deaths were tuberculosis (1.4 percent), road injuries (1.2 percent) and self-harm (1.1 percent), the findings showed.

from WebMD Health