The study found that tattooed skin on arms "has reduced sweat rates, and thus potential heat loss capacity, during [whole-body heating], compared to adjacent skin without tattoos."
from WebMD Health https://ift.tt/3mZej7E
The study found that tattooed skin on arms "has reduced sweat rates, and thus potential heat loss capacity, during [whole-body heating], compared to adjacent skin without tattoos."
One way to measure the passage of time during the pandemic: our hair. It never stops growing. And people can’t seem to resist playing with it.
During the 90-minute debate, the candidates sparred over the COVID-19 response and the future of the Affordable Care Act.
More than 90% said their pet helped them cope emotionally with the lockdown and 96% said their pet helped keep them fit and active.
For at least two decades, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has been approving new formulations of prescription opioids without requiring drug manufacturers to gather important information on safety and effectiveness, a new study claims.
The Vikings hosted the Titans this past Sunday in Minneapolis but, as of Tuesday morning, had no positive test results for anyone on their club, NBC News reported.
People in New York City who aren't wearing a mask will first be offered one.
If the antibody responses seen in the study translate into protection against the infection, the results could mean the elderly -- the population that has been hardest hit by COVID -- could receive strong protection from the shot.
President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden have greatly different plans for improving Americans' health care and for tackling the coronavirus pandemic.
A corneal transplant can cure some forms of blindness and visual impairment. The United States bans men from donating if they have had gay sex in the past five years; Canada has a 12-month restriction.
Overall, there was a 14% jump in drinking frequency this past spring among U.S. adults over 30 when compared to last year at the same time, researchers found. Among women, drinking frequency went up 17%.
In a new clinical trial, researchers found that one type of intermittent fasting did help overweight and obese adults drop a couple of pounds over 12 weeks. But they fared no better than a comparison group who ate whenever they wanted.
Between Feb. 8 and July 22, more than 254,000 people were tested and more than 16,000 were positive for COVID-19. Among Black patients, 10% tested positive as did 11% of Hispanics and 4% of white patients.
Older adults who use hearing aids may be using them less, because they think there's no one to interact with. This can reduce sound input to the brain and lead to auditory deprivation.
Women aged 18 to 55 are less likely to receive the tests and aggressive treatment that men routinely receive, and are more likely to die in the hospital, the researchers added.
These newborns generally do well in the six to eight weeks after birth, but more are admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) if their mothers had COVID-19 in the two weeks before delivery.
Parents who didn't take their children for a flu shot last year are least likely to do so this year (less than a third), while parents who took their child for a flu shot last year were most likely to do so again (96%), according to the survey.
To try to make that easier, countries and states are turning digital. Smartphone apps allow anyone, whether they have COVID or just worry they’ve been exposed, to detail their movements leading up to infection or exposure.
Only 17% of doctors say they will get a COVID-19 vaccine if it is authorized before all clinical trials have been completed, according to results of a Medscape poll.
Lake Jackson issued a "do not use water order" and requested an emergency declaration from the state.
Amy Coney Barrett, 48, a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit in Chicago since 2017, is President Donald Trump's pick for the Supreme Court, according to the New York Times.
Public health experts worry that ending a COVID vaccine trial early and giving it swift approval under an Emergency Use Authorization could compromise the collection of further safety data.
The new internet dare, broadcast widely on teen-friendly TikTok, urges kids to overdose on the over-the-counter antihistamine Benadryl to achieve a hallucinatory state.
Even if other areas of the body are in good shape, once fat starts to accumulate in the belly region, the risk of dying an early death goes up.
From June through August, people in their 20s accounted for more than 20% of all COVID infections in the United States, CDC researchers found.
It was less than a month ago that the United States reached 6 million cases. It took over three months for the country to record its first million cases.
Patients who were vitamin D-sufficient -- a blood level of at least 30 nanograms per milliliter -- had a significantly lower risk for serious complications from COVID-19, including losing consciousness, low blood oxygen levels and death.
When people breathe wildfire smoke, the short-term health effects can range from eye and nasal irritation and coughing to worsening asthma, heart attacks, and strokes. Scientists aren’t sure yet of the long-term effects, but there are some early clues.
A review of so-called "smart drug" nutritional supplements found a handful that were packed with foreign pharmaceuticals not approved in the United States, often in potentially dangerous combinations and dosages.
There was a wide range of accuracy among the tests. Specificity -- the ability to correctly identify those without the disease -- ranged from 82% to 100%
Fifty-four percent of patients without symptoms tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, as did 64% of those with mild symptoms. There was no significant difference in the viral load between the two groups, the researchers said.