Despite what should have been a very restrictive distribution system, as many as half of the patients receiving a specific form of fentanyl did not meet the requirements to get it, researchers said
from WebMD Health
Despite what should have been a very restrictive distribution system, as many as half of the patients receiving a specific form of fentanyl did not meet the requirements to get it, researchers said
Research suggests that use of the drug greatly raises a pregnant woman's odd for miscarriage, as well as the odds that her baby will have a heart defect.
Eating five or more weekly servings of nuts also appears to lower the risk of premature death from heart disease or any other cause by about one-third for people with type 2 diabetes.
By 2014, women younger than 55 accounted for 31 percent of hospitalizations for heart attack -- up from 21 percent in the late 1990s.
While obesity is linked to a range of health conditions, excess fat around the middle seems to be a particular risk factor for certain diseases -- like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.